Giving Thanks for Merienda


TITLE Giving Thanks for Merienda

SPEAKER Mrs. Linda Tanug

PLACE Panganan, Bukidnon

DATE September 24, 1990.

CASSETTE #MS6A2 (one-quarter through)


INTERLINEARIZED March 1991 (RH) - redone May91

NOTE Linda gave thanks and then I asked her to repeat it again for the cassette.

NOTE Recorded privately in my office

MU788006 001

   Spoken: Ampu   ki.      
   Formal: Ampu   ki       
 Phonemic: ­ampu­ ki1      
  Lexemes: ­ampu­ ki1      
  Lex POS: v_rt   pron     
Lex Gloss: pray   1pi_F    
 Word POS: v      pron     
Wrd Gloss: pray   we(incl) 

We will pray.

Let's pray.

'Ampu' is a loan word from Cebuano - the original Matigsalug root to pray and to sacrifice is 'tubad' ('panubad'), but this is avoided by some pastors because of the animist implications.

MU788006 002

   Spoken: Manama, seini  kuntee    se  peinit  ney        se  ngaran. 
   Formal: Manama  seini  kuntee    se  peinit  ney        se  ngaran  
 Phonemic: Manama  se­ini kunte­e   se  pe­init ney        se  ¥adan   
  Lexemes: Manama  se­ini kunte­e   se  pe­init ney        se  ¥adan   
  Lex POS: prop_n  pron   adv       cmk n       pron       cmk n       
Lex Gloss: God     this   now/today F   snack   1pe_NF(II) F   name    
 Word POS: n       pron   adv       cmk n       pron       cmk n       
Wrd Gloss: God     this   now       the snack   ours(excl) the name    

God, this now, our snack ('peinit') is its name.

God, this here now we call a snack ('peinit').

'Peinit' is probably derived from Cebuano 'painit'.

MU788006 003

   Spoken: Hinaut migpakabehey      kanami      te  kanekal     wey  
   Formal: Hinaut migpakabehey      kanami      te  kanekal     wey  
 Phonemic: (Ceb.) migpakabegey      kanami      te  kanekal     wey  
  Lexemes: -      mig- =pAkA-=begey kanami      te  kA2-=nekal  wey  
  Lex POS: -      v_aff=v_aff=v_rt  pron        cmk aff =adj_rt conj 
Lex Gloss: -      P    =INVOL=give  1pe_NF(III) NF  NOM =strong and  
 Word POS: -      v                 pron        cmk n           conj 
Wrd Gloss: please gave              we(excl)    -   strength    and  

   Spoken: keupianan            te  kanami      ne  lawa ne  keupianan            
   Formal: keupianan            te  kanami      ne  lawa ne  keupianan            
 Phonemic: ke­upi­anan          te  kanami      ne  lawa ne  ke­upi­anan          
  Lexemes: kA><an-=­upi­ =-an   te  kanami      ne  lawa ne  kA><an-=­upi­ =-an   
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt  =v_aff cmk pron        lnk n    lnk v_aff  =v_rt  =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: NOM    =desire=LocF  NF  1pe_NF(III) LNK body LNK NOM    =desire=LocF  
 Word POS: n                    cmk pron        lnk n    lnk n                    
Wrd Gloss: desire               of  we(excl)    -   body -   desire               

   Spoken: te  kanami      me     isip. 
   Formal: te  kanami      me     isip  
 Phonemic: te  kanami      me1    ­isip 
  Lexemes: te  kanami      me1    ­isip 
  Lex POS: cmk pron        adt    v_rt  
Lex Gloss: NF  1pe_NF(III) PLURAL think 
 Word POS: cmk pron        adt    n     
Wrd Gloss: of  we(excl)    -      mind  

Please give us strength and the desires of our bodies and the desires of our minds.

Please give us strength and the desires of our bodies and the desires of our minds.

I don't understand the use of the past 'mig' prefix - perhaps my understanding of this sentence is incorrect. Yet it can't be thanking for past blessings because of the use of 'hinaut'.

MU788006 004

   Spoken: Minsan   malepet     Manama se  keddi      ne  tubtubaren          
   Formal: minsan   malepet     Manama se  keddi      ne  tubtubaren          
 Phonemic: minsan   malepet     Manama se  keddi­     ne  tubtubaden          
  Lexemes: minsan   mA1-=lepet  Manama se  keddi­     ne  rdpCVC-=tubad=-en   
  Lex POS: conj     aff =adj_rt prop_n cmk pron       lnk v_aff  =v_rt =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: even     ADJR=short  God    F   1s_NF(III) LNK INT    =pray =ObF   
 Word POS: conj     adj         n      cmk pron       lnk n                   
Wrd Gloss: although short       God    the I          -   prayer              

   Spoken: sikeykew   es       langun ne  nakanengneng                minsan   wa    
   Formal: sikeykew   e    se  langun ne  nakanengneng                minsan   wa    
 Phonemic: sikeykew   ­e  #se  la¥un  ne  nakane¥ne¥                  minsan   wa­   
  Lexemes: sikeykew   ­e  #se  la¥un  ne  nAkA-      =ne¥ne¥          minsan   wade­ 
  Lex POS: pron       part#cmk adj    lnk v_aff      =v_rt            conj     adv   
Lex Gloss: 2s_TOPIC   COMP#F   all    LNK P_INVOL_AgF=know/understand even     no    
 Word POS: pron       part#cmk adj    lnk v                           conj     adv   
Wrd Gloss: as_for_you COMP#the all    -   knew                        although no    

   Spoken: ku        nangarani            se  duen     ma   sikeykew   es       
   Formal: ku        nangarani            se  duen     ma   sikeykew   e    se  
 Phonemic: ku        na¥adani             se  du­en    ma   sikeykew   ­e  #se  
  Lexemes: ku        nA-  =¥adan=-i       se  du­e2=-N ma   sikeykew   ­e  #se  
  Lex POS: pron      v_aff=n    =v_aff    cmk pron =– part pron       part#cmk 
Lex Gloss: 1s_NF(II) P_ObF=name =UnA_LocF F   there=– DIM  2s_TOPIC   COMP#F   
 Word POS: pron      v                    cmk dem      part pron       part#cmk 
Wrd Gloss: I         named                the there    DIM  as_for_you COMP#the 

   Spoken: mateteu          sikeykew.  
   Formal: mateteu          sikeykew   
 Phonemic: matete­u         sikeykew   
  Lexemes: mA1-=rdpCV-=te­u sikeykew   
  Lex POS: aff =***   =v_rt pron       
Lex Gloss: ADJR=-     =know 2s_TOPIC   
 Word POS: adj              pron       
Wrd Gloss: knowledgable     as_for_you 

Even if my prayer, God, is short, you know everything even if I don't name it because you are there and you are knowledgeable.

Even if my prayer is short, God, you know everything even if I don't say it, because you are there and know everything.

I cannot easily determine if the 'duen' is the existential 'there is' or the locative pronoun 'there'. I have chosen the later.

MU788006 006

   Spoken: Ka  - due      gahum ne  miggimu       kanami      kayi te  ampew  
   Formal: Ka  - due      gahum ne  miggimu       kanami      kayi te  ampew  
 Phonemic: ka2 - du­e1    gagum ne  mighimu       kanami      kai  te  ­ampew 
  Lexemes: ka2 - du­e1    gagum ne  mig- =himu    kanami      kai  te  ­ampew 
  Lex POS: cmk - psd_v    n     lnk v_aff=v_rt    pron        dem  cmk n      
Lex Gloss: F   - there_is power LNK P    =make/do 1pe_NF(III) here NF  top    
 Word POS: cmk - psd_v    n     lnk v             pron        dem  cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: the - there_is power -   made          we(excl)    here on  top    

   Spoken: te  tane.  
   Formal: te  tane   
 Phonemic: te  tane­  
  Lexemes: te  tane­  
  Lex POS: cmk n      
Lex Gloss: NF  earth  
 Word POS: cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: of  ground 

There was power that made us here on top of the ground.

Your power made us here on earth.

'Ampew te tanŠ' (lit. 'top of the ground') appears to be a common idiomatic expression meaning 'on earth'.

MU788006 007

   Spoken: Kayi ku        re   igtaman.      
   Formal: Kayi ku        re   igtaman       
 Phonemic: kai  ku        de­  ­igtaman      
  Lexemes: kai  ku        de­  ­ig-   =taman 
  Lex POS: dem  pron      part v_aff  =adv   
Lex Gloss: here 1s_NF(II) only NP_AccF=until 
 Word POS: dem  pron      part v             
Wrd Gloss: here I         just finish        

I will just finish here.

I will just finish here.

This is the conventional ending. It is interesting that the 'In Jesus' name. Amen' follow this ending rather than vice versa. This suggests to me that perhaps the next two statements are not well integrated into the prayer.

MU788006 008

   Spoken: Sa  ngaran ni              Hisu         Kristu. 
   Formal: te  ngaran ni              Hisu Kristu  -       
 Phonemic: te  ¥adan  ni              Hisu_Kristu  -       
  Lexemes: te  ¥adan  ni              Hisu_Kristu  -       
  Lex POS: cmk n      cmk             prop_n       -       
Lex Gloss: NF  name   NF(II)_PERS(sg) Jesus_Christ -       
 Word POS: cmk n      cmk             prop_n       -       
Wrd Gloss: in  name   of              Jesus_Christ -       

In the name of Jesus Christ.

In the name of Jesus Christ.

Notice the use of Cebuano 'sa'. (I converted it to Matigsalug 'te' for parsing). Again this suggests to me that this is just an add-on phrase without real meaning yet to the Matigsalugs.

MU788006 009

   Spoken: Amin. 
   Formal: Amin  
 Phonemic: ­amin 
  Lexemes: ­amin 
  Lex POS: ?     
Lex Gloss: amen  
 Word POS: ?     
Wrd Gloss: amen  

